The International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports (IJPEFS) is an international, print / online quarterly journal (ISSN.No: Print (2277-5447) and Online (2457-0753)) published in English. The aim of IJPEFS is to stimulate knowledge to professionals, researchers and academicians working in the fields of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports Sciences.
IJPEFS publishes experimental, theoretical studies and critical reviews of the multidisciplinary aspects of the Sports and Exercise Sciences, Sports Medicine, Yoga, Psychology, Physiology, Performance Analysis, Anatomy, Biomechanics as well as Coaching and Talent identification, other interdisciplinary perspectives to integrate the field of sports science are encouraged.
Contributions emphasizing on the human sciences, broadly defined and applied to sport and exercise. Besides experimental work in human responses to exercise, the subjects covered will include human responses to technologies such as the design of sports equipment and playing facilities, research in training, selection, performance prediction or modification and stress reduction or manifestation. IJPEFS encourages the publication which includes the original investigations of exercise, validation of technological innovations in sports science or comprehensive reviews of topics relevant to the scientific study of sports are highlighted.
Hence, the readership for this Journal is varied and ranges from academics to practitioners from a range of disciplines and areas of application. In addition to the regular research and review articles, the IJPEFS also publishes the opinion, case studies, letters to the editor and priority communications.